Call : +91-94419 04088 & 94407 39310


The contact hours either to meet or call the Director,
M.Sateesh Reddy


4.20 AM To 4.24 AM
9.05 AM To 9.30 AM
M.Sateesh Reddy


5.15 PM To 5.24 PM
7.35 PM To 7.45 PM

About Us

Thousands of my students, who include numerous teachers, lecturers, engineers etc, speak volumes for my brain-child DEEP, where enriching one’s English is Indeed a child’s play.

Gain immense confidence by being trained here and come out with flying colours in your careers. If you are not good at the structure formation, you must overcome it immediately. This is a fine opportunity for you to do so. You can definitely get clarity & confidence by attending these classes regularly and working sincerely. Thousands of my students have done so quite successfully and have been calling the shots in their respective fields. Then, why can’t you?

  • No demo classes please…because this is highly powerful and proven coaching
  • Please don’t come, If at all you can’t be committed and diligent. Contact as many old students as possible and enquire about the coaching thoroughly before coming here. If at all it is not possible, at least.. contact the students, who are there in the running batches to get the feedback about the coaching.
  • Overwhelming response & hence get your seats reserved!
  • This is not the right place for those, who don’t have a backbone.
  • Those, who want success and happiness without being industrious, are strictly and repeatedly advised not to come here.
  • The Hours either to meet or call the Director, M.Sateesh Reddy